We are 7 years old and 15 outlets. And we are growing like a 7-year-old with a very healthy appetite. We are now fifteen restaurants strong. In Bengaluru, Hyderabad, Pune and now Chennai. We love all the incredible variety of food in the world.
And we want you to love it too. That is why we make every dish (and there are a lot of dishes) with…right, love. The freshest and best ingredients in the hands of the cleverest chefs equal delicious.
And each dish is true to the authentic epicness of the exotic place it comes from. Occasionally, we also add a little Indian twist to them. Because that’s what us Indians do. Nothing makes us happier than to see you happy. Our friendly, warm service will make you will feel at home, even as your taste buds travel to faraway places.
We promise every meal, every b’day party, every anniversary treat, every no-reason celebration will be unforgettable. So there are many reasons to fall in love with us.
And that is why we call ourselves Flechazo, which is Spanish for love at first sight.
The best stories in the world end with a twist.
Well, our story begins with one.
It begins with an adventure that blurs culinary boundaries.
An adventure where the land of the renaissance meets the land of the Arabian Nights. And the land of exotic spices rubs shoulders with the land of the rising sun.
We stirred the fragrances, the flavours of these nations into a winning combination. To this, we added the biggest twist of all – our warm service and love for life!
We called it MediterrAsia. And we served this little adventure
with all our heart.
And lo! Everything stood transformed.
Birthdays became bigger. Lunch outings became globe-trotting holidays. Conversations carried more laughter. Children discovered their inner chefs. And every occasion became a treasured memory.
Every plate of food was eagerly anticipated for the little surprise
that it carried.
For the little twist.
We think your taste buds don’t
travel enough.
They should see more of this
wonderful world, which is bursting with interesting flavours.
So, at Flechazo, a plate is not a
plate. It is a miniature world map.
But the geography is entirely up
to your taste buds’ fancy.
Classical Greece can cosy up with
tenth century Japan and modern France can be neighbours with exotic Mongolia.
The world is your oyster. Or
kebab. Or tikka.
We call it MediterrAsian. The most flavourful places on earth, in one word.
And on one plate.
Pack a big appetite and start your
world tour.